Update 01-2023

By  Kitty · Official · 01/2023Back to releases

Hello Stormbounders! A new version of Stormbound is coming early January, bringing new cards, balance changes, and finally the new login system!

Balance changes

This release, just like any other, will bring some balance changes. We planned on buffing most vanilla cards but decided to do that in several stages for safety reasons. In January, the second group (Vanilla cards with 1 movement) gets the buff, and the last batch of cards will be buffed in February.

  • Veterans of War’s strength is now 9/11/13/16/19 (up from 8/10/12/15/18).
  • Iced Droplings’ strength is now 8/9/11/13/16 (up from 7/8/10/12/15).
  • Operators’ strength is now 12/15/18/22/26 (up from 10/13/16/20/24).
  • Delegators’ strength is now 8/9/11/13/16 (up from 7/8/10/12/15).
  • Heroic Soldiers’ strength is now 6/7/8/9/11 (up from 5/6/7/8/10).

New cards

Two new cards will be introduced in January: a new epic spell which brings a new mechanic (kind of), as well as an another pirate.

Strict Quartermasterspirate
Strict Quartermasters

On play, draw 1 random Pirate card from your deck

Level 1
Strict Quartermasterspirate
Strict Quartermasters

On play, draw 1 random Pirate card from your deck

Level 2
Strict Quartermasterspirate
Strict Quartermasters

On play, draw 1 random Pirate card from your deck

Level 3
Strict Quartermasterspirate
Strict Quartermasters

On play, draw 1 random Pirate card from your deck

Level 4
Strict Quartermasterspirate
Strict Quartermasters

On play, draw 1 random Pirate card from your deck

Level 5
Clap of Thunder
Clap of Thunder

Give 2 strength for each empty card space in your hand and spread it randomly among friendly units

epicLevel 1
Clap of Thunder
Clap of Thunder

Give 2‑3 strength for each empty card space in your hand and spread it randomly among friendly units

epicLevel 2
Clap of Thunder
Clap of Thunder

Give 3 strength for each empty card space in your hand and spread it randomly among friendly units

epicLevel 3
Clap of Thunder
Clap of Thunder

Give 4 strength for each empty card space in your hand and spread it randomly among friendly units

epicLevel 4
Clap of Thunder
Clap of Thunder

Give 5 strength for each empty card space in your hand and spread it randomly among friendly units

epicLevel 5

As usual, there will be $9.99 exclusive packs for every new card to get 10 copies as well as coin 750 coins and fusion stone 5 fusion stones. It's now possible to buy more than one exclusive pack each.

New Brawls

Similar to what we did in the last months — we will introduce 2 new Brawl modifiers for the 2 new cards. We think it’s a good way for you to be able to try, play with and enjoy newly added cards before you start collecting them.

Like last time, a 0-mana level 1 (unless owned and leveled) copy of the new card will be added to everyone’s deck (thus causing all decks to have 13 cards).

New login

It has been a long time coming but we are excited to announce that the new login system is finally ready and will be released on all platforms on December 20th.

It allows players to log into the game using their Google account or Apple ID. Players can now connect the game with their Google account or Apple ID in two ways, so please choose the most convenient one for you and make sure to follow the instructions below.

Login in then connect

You can now log into your Kongregate account, then connect it with your Google account or Apple account.

  1. In the starting menu, press the “Signed Login” button.
  2. Press “Log in with Kongregate” and log in to your Kongregate account.
  3. Go to the game settings, press “Add sign-in method, " and then choose Google or Apple.
  4. You will now see the “Confirm your name” screen. Yes, you can change your name here.

Sign up then merge

You can create a Google/Apple account, then log in with it and get it merged with your existing Kongregate account.

  1. In the starting menu, press the “Signed Login” button.
  2. Press “Log in with your Google/Apple account”.
  3. Finish the tutorial with that new account, it’s expected.
  4. You will now see the “Confirm your name” screen. Yes, you can change your name here.
  5. Go to the game settings and press “Connect Kongregate”. That’s how your newly made Google/Apple account will be merged with your Kongregate account.
  6. You will now see the “Confirm your name” screen again. Yes, you can change your name here again.
Screenshot of the first in-game screen featuring the Stormbound logo and two options: signing in, or playing as a guest
Screenshot of the signing process in the game, featuring 3 options: signing in with Google, with Apple or with Kongregate

New ancient map

We are happy to release a new background themed after the Ancients! This will come on December 24th, as a small Christmas present. ✨

New ancient map concept art

Brawl lottery

When down to a single heart left in Brawl, players may be offered to spend a ticket card (the ones used for Draft mode) to be granted a Brawl bonus choice, similar to the one they get after a victory.

Except in this case, there is a guaranteed Life Up or All Lives or Ice Armor bonus in order to extend the Brawl run. The other Brawl bonus can be anything.

Brawl Mode

For a reminder of the rules of the Brawl mode or an overview of the Brawl bonuses, refer to the dedicated page on the Brawl mode.

Screenshot of the dialog showing up in Brawl, offering to spend an entry card to gain a Brawl bonus



This update introduces improvements to the seasonal relegation system from the Heroes League.

There is now a bit of an in-between state between the two leagues called “Diamond+”. It’s a league above Diamond but below the top 500 from the Heroes League.

So if a player has reached the highest rank in Diamond, but there are already more than 500 players in Heroes league, they get promoted to Diamond+ and stay there until they reach the top 500 leaderboard. And people from the top 500 leaderboard who get pushed below 500th place also end up in Diamond+.

At the end of the season, people who reached the Heroes League at least once during this season (top 500) will be demoted to Diamond 5. People who got as high as Diamond+, and never got to Heroes League will be relegated to Platinum 5.

Daily Calendar

This update introduces a slight change to the Daily Calendar system: players can now unlock a reward every 23 hours instead of 24 hours.

Base Demolisher

After reviewing effects and data of recently added Base Demolisher Bonus and its impact on the game, we decided to make a few changes. From now on, rewards for certain goals will be:

  1. ruby 5 rubies
  2. coin 75 coins
  3. coin 100 coins
  4. fusion stone 5 fusion stones
  5. coin 150 coins
  6. coin 200 coins
  7. coin 250 coins
  8. fusion stone 10 fusion stones
  9. coin 350 coins
  10. coin 450 coins
  11. coin 550 coins
  12. fusion stone 25 fusion stones
  13. coin 700 coins
  14. coin 850 coins
  15. coin 1,000 coins
  16. fusion stone 50 fusion stones
  17. coin 1,500 coins
  18. coin 2,000 coins
  19. coin 2,500 coins
  20. fusion stone 75 fusion stones

Additionally, Base Demolisher Bonus points will be received only after games that lasted at least 5 turns.


When is the update going to be released?

The season reset will happen as usual (January 1st), but the balance changes will be deployed on January 2nd due to the New Year. The 2 cards will be introduced on January 6th for Strict Quartermasters and January 20th for Clap of Thunder.

The new login and the Last Heart in Brawl feature will be available from December 20th. And the new background on December 24th.
Leagues tweak will happen with the season reset.